Some Simple Some ideas When Planning Your Website

Designing your Website

Who are you designing your website for? What should your main thrust be? You must know that people who visit your website are not going to be too concerned about your graphics and logo nor are they going to be interested in what color your background is. Your visitors are going to be interested in two main things: your page structure and the kind of content you have. Website Developers Nottingham

First of all, you must not give in to the temptation of laying out your page in new and uncharted ways. You want your page to be abundantly clear to the search engine just where the content is, where the navigation is and where the headings are. As a rule of thumb, you should put the navigation page first in your website. You should familiarize yourself with heading tags so that they can be used for headings and sub-headings.

Be consistent with keywords

You do not want to get into the habit of saturating your website content with keywords just to try to gain a higher search engine ranking. Search engines are much wiser than this! You should make your keywords appear in your content where they would naturally occur.
HTML and Javascript

You will find that, when designing your own website, search engines do read HTML, but they do not read Javascript. If you want the search engines to see your text, then you had better stick with HTML. However, feel free to use a mix of HTML and Javascript when designing your website. You may put the text in HTML and can use Javascript for other parts of the page. Your page will appear to be more focused. If you want the search engines to follow your navigation links then you definitely want to use HTML.

Use Meta Tags

Although meta tags seem to be outdated and out of fashion, they can be useful in one way. The description tag is commonly used to decide exactly what test the search engines’ users see when your site is found in their results. Remember, you are trying to convince people to click on your website.

Include Alt Tags

If you wish to use a graphic when designing your website, choose the alt text for it. Graphics are pretty standard when it comes to designing a websites. It is a good practice to use Alt tags on all your images as your customer will see the text associated with the image when they hover with their mouse.

Write Great Content

Again, content is the key in designing your own website. It is your job to make people interested enough to want to link their page to yours.

Your content must be interesting and should be blogger friendly. One of the best ways to design your website for search engines is to see that your content really stands out.

You have briefly been shown what is entailed when you go about designing your own website. Remember, that content should be the most important feature on your website.